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Sexual Assault

What to do if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted

  1. You are not alone. Qualified, caring, confidential help is available on-campus and in the community. Sexual Assault can happen to anyone of any gender, age, or circumstance.

  2. If an assault of any kind has occurred, go to a safe location away from the perpetrator.

  3. To report the incident to the nearest Police jurisdiction, call 911.

  • Police reporting doesn’t obligate an individual to press charges, and victims may request the protection of their identity and privacy.

  • Police can provide assistance and information about medical services and support resources as well as information about pressing charges or filing a Title IX sex discrimination complaint.

  • Consistent with the victim’s wishes, police can arrange for a forensic sexual assault exam (which must be done in the region’s single legally authorized medical setting- in Sonoma County this is currently at Sutter Hospital in Santa Rosa) for evidence collection and relevant medical care. These is no charge to the victim for this exam. Avoid showering, bathing, laundering, or otherwise trying to clean up until evidence has been collected.

  • SSU Police are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. They are located in Verdot Village and can be reached by dialing 911 from on campus, or by calling 707-664-4444. They can facilitate contact with the appropriate law enforcement agency if the assault happened in an off-campus jurisdiction.

  1. Get confidential medical care and support. This can be before, after, or while you are uncertain about contacting police or getting a forensic sexual assault exam.

 Off-Campus Healthcare, Advocacy and Support Resources:

  • See the list of local hospitals and clinics at After Hours Resources or contact your private physician.

  • A forensic sexual assault exam as described in item 3 above includes relevant healthcare.

  • Verity provides victim advocacy in Sonoma County. The 24/7 hotline is 707 545-7273. The National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE provides similar 24/7 assistance if you’re out of the area as well as online chat for confidential crisis support.

  1. Other on-campus options:  A student or employee who feels they have experienced campus related sexual violence/ harassment may file a sex discrimination complaint* and request for on campus resolution with the Title IX Investigation and Training Specialist, 707-664-4394.

*This is available, whether or not the victim chooses to report to Police or pursue a criminal complaint.

  1. Anyone that becomes aware of a sexual assault should report it.  For campus-related circumstances, call SSU Police at 707 664-4444 or the Title IX Investigation & Training Specialist, 707-664-4276. You may also report your experience through SSU's Sexual Misconduct/Discrimination Reporting Form

For prevention information see: