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Funding and Eligibility for Student Health Center Services


  • The availability of the Student Health Center and access to its services during the regular academic year are funded by the Mandatory Student Health Fee and the Health Facilities Fee required of regularly enrolled students for each academic year semester. These fees are paid to SSU along with other campus registration fees.
  • These prepaid fees support the basic and public health services of the Student Health Center during the academic year as well as the cost of constructing, purchasing, replacing and/or maintaining the Student Health Center building and its equipment.
  • SHC services are defined by the CSU Board of Trustees Policy. Basic Services, which include most medical visits for illness or injury, in-house lab tests and plain x-rays, are provided without charge to regularly enrolled SSU students who have paid the Mandatory Student Health Fee. Augmented Fees are services beyond the defined basic services and include pharmacy items, reference laboratory tests, durable medical and orthopedic equipment as well as augmented visits and summer services. These additional services do not receive substantial funding from the Mandatory Health Fee, and although services are discounted for regularly enrolled students, nominal user fees apply.
  • Late cancellation/no show fees are charged to any student who fails to cancel his/her appointment in advance.
  • Health insurance is not required to attend SSU or use the Student Health center. SSU has no mechanism for billing of health insurance or other third party payers.
  • All point-of-service user fee charges are charged to the student's Seawolf account at the time of service. 


All Regularly enrolled SSU students:

  • Are eligible to receive most Basic Service health care, public health and health education services free of additional charge during the academic semester(s) of their enrollment.
  • They also benefit from the medical, emergency, disaster, safety and other health advocacy and consultation provided to the campus as well as the urgent response, health advocacy, infectious disease prevention and other efforts of the Student Health Center.
  • Proof of Eligibility: Regularly enrolled students must bring their current SSU photo ID card to Health Center visits as verification of enrollment. Enrollment status will also be verified through the central campus computer system. Those found to be ineligible for free basic services are financially responsible for the cost of services received.

Regularly Enrolled CSU Students at any CSU campus:

  • Are eligible to receive CSU Trustee defined basic health services at student health centers at other CSU campuses in accordance with the basic service and user fee profile for students who are regularly enrolled at the campus they are visiting.
  • Visiting students from another CSU campus are typically not eligible for Augmented Services and may not be eligible for summer services without paying additional fees to the campus they are visiting.

Entering SSU Students who have not yet started classes at SSU:

Students who have applied to SSU, been accepted, have paid their SSU Enrollment Reservation Deposit, and intend to attend SSU in the coming semester may be seen on a nominal user fee basis at the Student Health Center during a limited time period prior to the start of their first semester of classes to receive the following services within the SHC scope and hours of operation only:

  • CSU required and strongly recommended immunizations.
  • A required NCAA pre-participation sports physical limited to intercollegiate athletes only that have been cleared and authorized by the SSU Athletics Department.
  • Acute medical care only for a condition that has developed while he/she is on campus for his/her specific new student orientation session.
  • Care for an acute illness or injury that has developed within the two weeks prior to the start of the semester in conjunction with the student’s participation in a campus sponsored and supervised program such as intercollegiate athletic practice, early move-in to the SSU Residence Halls, etc.

SSU Extended Education Students currently enrolled in a degree granting program may receive some Health Center Services on a fee for service basis subject to SHC scope limitations and staffing availability.