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Health Insurance

Health Insurance is not required for SSU students to use the Student Health Center. During the regular academic year, most visits for illness or injury and in-house lab tests and x-rays are provided without charge to regularly enrolled students. Discounted user fees are charged for pharmaceuticals, some supplies, lab tests sent to off-campus reference labs, and summer services. Mandatory health fees collected along with other required SSU registration fees each semester fund the availability of these services.

Although health insurance does not have a current role in the eligibility for or provisions of Student Health Center services, health insurance is required of international students attending SSU and is strongly recommended for all students to help cover the cost of off-campus medical needs such as emergency room visits, hospitalization, ambulance transport, specialty care, complex diagnostic tests, out of area care, or other services that are beyond the scope or hours of operation of the Student Health Center.

As of January 2014, regular U.S. residents including students have been required under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to have health coverage or face federal penalties. Only regular U.S. residents are covered by the Affordable Care Act.

International Students attending on a student visa should contact the SSU International Students Office at 707-664-2582 for information about insurance requirements and options.

Domestic (U.S.) Students seeking insurance coverage have the following options:

  1. May be eligible for coverage through a parent's or spouse's health insurance plan. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) dependents may be covered by a parent's health insurance to age 26.
  2. May be eligible for health insurance through an employer.
  3. May wish to purchase an individual plan through a private insurance company.
  4. May wish to explore affordable (and sometimes subsidized) insurance options through health insurance exchange programs operating in each state under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Must be a regular U.S. resident to qualify.

    • Covered California is the Affordable Care Act insurance exchange program for this state. It will allow individuals to find out if they qualify for financial assistance and compare and choose health coverage that best fits their needs and budget. Application for coverage is typically limited to specified open enrollment periods unless an individual has experienced a major life change, such as the loss of previous health insurance.
    • By law, health coverage under the ACA cannot exclude those with pre-existing medical conditions.
    • Qualifying low income individuals may be eligible for subsidies to help with purchasing insurance or coverage through expanded Medicaid/Medi-cal. Visit Medicaid or Medi-Cal.

    There is no mechanism for billing insurance by SSU. The SSU SHC user fees are charged to the student's Seawolf account.

  5. For low-cost healthcare or assistance in obtaining insurance, contact the Petaluma Health Center

To learn more about health coverage or get help with issues that concern you, go to the following government insurance websites:  California, Federal.