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SHAC Bylaws - Club Constitution

Student Health Activities Club Constitution and Bylaws 2020-2021 

Article I - Name of Organization 

Student Health Activities Club, also known as SHAC. The former name was Student Health Advisory Committee. 

Article II - Purpose of Organization: 

  1. To assist the Student Health Center (SHC) in promoting the health and well-being of SSU students through a variety of health activities and offering a student perspective on facilitating and enhancing Student Health Center services; 
  2. To serve as a student advisory group to the Student Health Center, the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Campus President. 
  3. To inform SSU students about SHC services and provide outreach on campus health issues; 
  4. To serve as liaison between the Student Health Center, SSU students, and campus entities whose policies or programs may impact the health of SSU students and/or campus health services. 

Article III - Membership 

  1. Membership in the organization shall be open to all those regularly enrolled Sonoma State University students who are interested in membership. There shall be no other requirements for admission to regular membership. Each regular member has equal rights and privileges. 
  2. This organization may have associated members who are non-Sonoma State University students. Associated members shall have all membership privileges except for the right to vote or hold office. By California State University policy, no more than 20 percent of the membership may be individuals who are not CSU students (e.g., faculty, staff, community members, students at other colleges, etc.) 
  3. Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions shall not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability. 
  4. Faculty, staff, and alumni of SSU, as well as non-students may be considered for non-voting membership in this organization. Only currently enrolled or continuing students of SSU may be voting members. 
  5. The Associated Students, Inc. will appoint one elected ASI Officer to serve as a Vice President of SHAC to serve in an advisory role. 

Article IV – Elections 

Only currently enrolled or continuing students in good standing at Sonoma State University may serve as Officers of this organization. The Officers shall be: President and Treasurer and include Vice President appointed AS, Secretary, Officer at Large, and Event Coordinator. Officers of this organization shall be elected by a majority vote of the regular student membership of the organization once each year at the end of Fall or Spring semester or as required by Student Involvement. Special elections may be called to replace a vacancy or a replacement may be selected by consensus. 

Article V – Officers 

Organization President and Treasurer must be enrolled at SSU and earn a minimum of 6 semester units for undergraduate students or 3 semester units for graduate/credential students per term while holding office and must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average. In addition, the president and treasurer may not have earned 150 units or 125% of the total units needed for graduation, whichever is higher. Officers listed below will constitute the SHAC Officers Board and share responsibility for effective SHAC operations. In addition to the duties listed below, each of these officers shall undertake such other duties as the Club may direct. 

  1. President 
    1. The President shall be a student member of SHAC elected by the membership. 
    2. The President shall call and preside over SHAC meetings. 
    3. The President shall prepare an agenda in advance of each meeting in consultation with the other officers, SHAC membership, and SHC advisors. 
    4. The President, and other officers, shall coordinate all communication with SHAC members. 
    5. The President or designee shall ensure that annual club chartering meetings are attended and annual chartering paperwork is submitted on time. 
    6. The President shall have club privileges and coordinate communications with members and other SSU clubs and organizations using the current Student Involvement platform. 
    7. The President may appoint sub-committees in consultation with the membership. 
    8. The President shall appoint an interim Secretary/Treasurer, pending the election of a new Secretary and Treasurer, should this office and the Officer at Large position be vacated prior to the completion of the elected incumbent's term. 
    9. The President is authorized to co-sign checks from the SHAC account in collaboration with the Treasurer. 
  2. Vice President 
    1. A Vice President shall be an appointed Associated Students member and serve in an advisory function between SHAC and Associated Students. 
    2. A second Vice President of the Student Health Activities Club may also be elected to attend SHAC meetings and assist the Chair. 
    3. A Vice President shall serve as the President in the absence of the President. 
    4. A Vice President shall collaborate with the President and the membership to develop meeting agendas and help determine SHAC priorities. 
    5. The Vice President may monitor the SHAC club box, and regularly brings items to the attention of the President and SHAC membership. 
  3. Secretary 
    1. The Secretary shall attend SHAC meetings and keep minutes of all meetings. 
    2. The Secretary shall distribute minutes within 7 days of each meeting as follows: post on the SHAC bulletin board in the Health Center lobby; send directly to the Health Center Director, co-advisor; arrange for posting on the SHAC website, and send to the membership by e-mail and/or hardcopy at the next meeting. 
    3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the correspondence and record keeping of SHAC. 
    4. The Secretary, along with other officers, can communicate reminders to members before meetings or designated events. 
    5. The Secretary shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. 
    6. The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into a single position. 
  4. Treasurer 
    1. The Treasurer shall attend SHAC meetings and be responsible for the budget and financial transactions of SHAC. 
    2. The Treasurer shall keep financial records and report financial status to the membership at least twice per year. 
    3. The Treasurer shall maintain current knowledge of club access to AS resources and funding mechanisms, and coordinate SHAC funding proposals to the Associated Students Office. 
    4. The Treasurer shall have communication privileges with SHAC members and other SSU clubs and organizations. 
    5. The Treasurer is authorized to co-sign checks from the SHAC account in collaboration with the President. 
    6. The Treasurer may assume the duties of the Secretary in the absence of the Secretary. 
    7. The Treasurer and Secretary may be combined into a single position. 
  5. Events Coordinator 
    1. The Events Coordinator shall participate in general SHAC and officer meetings. 
    2. The Events Coordinator supports the other positions, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Officer at Large. 
    3. The Events Coordinator will collaborate with other SHAC officers, members and advisors to organize sign-ups, venues, and materials for SHAC events, coordinate event publicity, and coordinate activities and projects with other clubs and organizations as appropriate. 
  6. Officer at Large 
    1. The Officer at Large shall attend SHAC general and board meeting and serve in place of any officer who is absent except as otherwise specified above. 
    2. The Officer at Large shall undertake other duties as the Chair/elected officers may direct. 
  7. Other positions Appointed by a consensus of the elected officers as needed to fulfill specific functions (e.g. Publicity). 

Article VI: Discipline of Members 

All complaints alleging violations of the Student Conduct Code, Title 5, section 41301, et seq., shall be investigated pursuant to Executive Order 1073 and/or 1074 (in cases involving allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on protected status). Investigations and other proceedings under Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 shall be conducted by campus administration, not student organizations, and this organization shall refer any complaints alleging subject matters covered by Executive Orders 1073 and 1074 to the campus Vice President for Student Affairs or other designee for investigation and resolution. 

Article VII - Committees 

There are no Standing Committees in SHAC. 

Article VIII - Meetings 

  1. Regular meetings will be held at least four times per semester during the academic year, excluding semester breaks and final exam weeks. Meetings shall be held on campus unless a majority of the regular members votes to change the location. Emergency meetings may be called by the President as needed. 
  2. A meeting schedule will be determined by the President in consultation with the membership. 
  3. Agenda will be made in consultation with officers, advisors and membership. 
  4. The membership must be notified in advance of special meetings. 

Article IX - Finance/Fiscal Responsibility 

No fees or dues are required of SHAC members. Fundraising is at the discretion of membership. 

Article X - Advisors 

  1. At least one advisor must be an SSU employee and may not be an auxiliary (Sonoma State Union Corporation /Associated Students, Inc.) employee. Student organizations may have an advisory board composed of community members of alumni however at least one advisor must be a faculty or staff member of SSU. 
  2. Advisor expectations include 
    1. Be available to the officers and/or members of the club for advising and required signing of documents. 
    2. Assist both the old and new leadership in this transition and provide historical continuity. 
    3. Ensure the organizations properly charters on an annual basis. 
    4. Allow the elected student leadership to exercise primary decision-making with regard to organizational goals, objectives and activities within the limitations of the expectations above. 
    5. Meet with organization in developing goals and planning projects or events and to make suggestions that will empower members of the organization to become better leaders. 

Article XI - Amendment 

  1. This constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the voting student membership. 
  2. The amended constitution/bylaws must be approved by and kept on file with Student Involvement. 

Redrafted: 4/23/2020