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Tuberculosis and TB Screening/Testing

All SSU students at risk of exposure to TB (e.g. born, lived, or traveled from risk areas outside of the U.S.; working or living in a health care setting, homeless shelter, disadvantaged inner city area, HIV infected and/or exposed to individuals with TB) should have a TB test prior to or soon after arriving at SSU. TB screening and testing (by skin test or blood test) is available at the SHC as medically indicated or as required for international students or participation in certain academic programs.


International Students:  Because of the prevalence of Tuberculosis in many locations worldwide, International Students attending Sonoma State University must be evaluated for tuberculosis risk prior to or shortly after arriving at Sonoma State University.  They may meet this requirement as follows:

  • Submit results of a test for Tuberculosis administered within the last 6 months by a United States medical facility.

  • Send test results to:

Sonoma State University Student Health Center

ATTN:  TB screening

1801 E. Cotati Avenue

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

  • Acceptable tests include: PPD Tuberculosis Skin Test or Tuberculosis Blood Test  (IGRA or TSPOT)

  • Students who submit positive test results should make an appointment to be seen at the Student Health Center upon their arrival to Sonoma State.

  • Students who have had a positive Tuberculosis test and received treatment should bring copies of treatment records with them.

  • International students that are unable to submit appropriate test results should make an appointment with an SSU Nurse for Tuberculosis screening/ testing.

  • Fees may apply for certain types of medically indicated Tuberculosis testing.


Teaching credential and childcare facility students needing a TB clearance:

  • If you need a TB clearance for teaching or childcare settings, this is typically done using a state approved TB screening questionnaire.

  • Only those individuals deemed to be at risk based on information obtained from the TB screening questionnaire will need to have an actual TB skin or blood test.

  • Otherwise, students coming to the Student Health Center for this service will be given the California Public Health Department approved clearance form which must be administered signed by a Registered Nurse or licensed NP or MD.

  • Those needing a TB clearance should plan to come to the Student Health Center for a nurse only visit prior to 9:45 am most mornings.  They will be seen on a staff available basis.

  • To minimize the chance of waiting, those on campus during the week prior to the start of the semester should come to the Student Health Center during that week, rather than the busy first weeks of a new semester.