September 27th SHAC Meeting Minutes
Introductions: three new members- Sarah Krangastone, Roberto Donan, and Cinthya Romano
Green badges to enter campus - how do we feel about it?
Nobody is a big fan of how many steps there are to log in
We all have to do it before we step foot onto campus
COVID testing
Asymptomatic - in Denali gym right next to Rec Center
Denali gym can test anyone (not just students), reservation must be made
Symptomatic - to be done in the Student Health Center
Results come back 24-72 hours after test
No requirement to be tested if fully vaxxed, but still good if going to see family or go out of town, etc.
Vitalant has invited SSU clubs to collaborate and host blood drives on campuses
Might be joint with other clubs, might be first come first served
February 16 potentially for blood drive
Most SHAC sales are in February- condom roses
Plan for condom roses
Arts and crafts meeting for January
IG account
Start health tip Tuesday (SHAC tip Tuesday)
New members: email Elizabeth picture of yourself and why you got vaccinated for club instagram
New post on importance of masks
Midterms/Finals: pets pictures
Petting zoo allowed by Student Involvement? Can we do therapy dogs?
No - SHAC should promote general social distancing
Sexual assault awareness around Halloween time
Resources for everyone
Halloween-themed swag
Reach out to Mike Dominguez for tabling questions
Tabling Monday afternoon for an all-day event?
Cinthya is certified to teach CPR!
Quick tip first aid/CPR video on Instagram
Teach a CPR class?
Weekly CPR tips
What to do if someone is choking, etc.
Raise awareness of what resources are available to students
Get other clubs to help share info about health center
Lobovision sign and TVs in student center to advertise some health services
Make announcements in class with professor approval to spread awareness of resources including phone numbers and services provided
Work with RAs because they can text many people at once
Reminders that student health center is here for everyone and is a great resource
Buddy system for everyone! Intoxicated or not, no matter what gender!
Volunteer work?
Food bank - can be done social distanced
Doesn’t need to be deemed a club event!
Eventual goal: get everyone aware of the student health center!
Hospital is not the only option
Telehealth through SHC
Health center charges come up as general charge, no description of what the charge is for
Students needs/confidentiality: everything is confidential under HIPAA
Cannot discuss what students were seen for with anyone, even parents
Health center is there to treat acute medical needs and reproductive health and birth control, not a long term medical need
It is easy to get an appointment with the health center
Lab work and prescriptions can only be done when ordered by a health center doctor (SHC deals with more acute issues, not necessarily chronic conditions)
A receptionist at the health center is from planned parenthood- she can provide information about resources through them